Raksha Bandhan Movie: Raksha Bandhan is an upcoming Indian Hindi movie. It features Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar in lead roles. It is directed by Aanand L Rai. It is produced by Zee Studios, Aanand L. Rai, and Alka Hiranandani. some supporting casts Sahejmeen Kaur, Deepika Khanna, Sadia Khateeb, and Smrithi Srikanth are seen as the sister of Akshay.
This film will be scheduled to release on 11th August 2022. The same day Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starrer the movie Laal Singh Chaddha has also released. it’s a big clash at the box office.
Raksha Bandhan Movie Cast
- Akshay Kumar
- Bhumi Pednekar
- Sahejmeen Kaur
- Deepika Khanna
- Sadia Khateeb
- Smrithi Srikanth
- Seema Pahwa
Raksha Bandhan Movie Story
The story of this Comedy family drama movie revolves around a brother and his 4 sisters.
Raksha Bandhan Movie Trailer
Raksha Bandhan Movie FAQ
What is the release date of the Raksha Bandhan movie?
The release date of the Raksha Bandhan movie is 11th August 2022.
Who is the director of the Raksha Bandhan movie
Anand l Rai is the director of the Raksha Bandhan movie.
Is Raksha Bandhan movie a remake?
What are the cast of the Raksha Bandhan movie?
The cast of the Raksha Bandhan movie are akshy Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar