Cadaver Movie: Cadaver is an Indian Tamil movie. This film is officially announced by Popular OTT Platform Hotstar. It features Amala Paul in lead roles with other supporting cast. This film is directed by Anoop s Panicker. It is produced by Amala Paul. The story of this Tamil film is written by Abhilash Pillai.
Cadaver Movie Cast
- Amala Paul
Cadaver Movie Trailer
Cadaver Movie Details
Title | Cadaver |
Language | Tamil |
Genres | Drama |
OTT | Hotstar |
Directed by | Anoop s Panicker |
Produced by | Amala Paul |
Written by | Abhilash Pillai |
Release Date | 12th August |
Cast | Amala Paul |
who is the actress of the Cadaver movie?
The actress of the Cadaver movie is Amala Paul.
what is the release date of the Cadaver movie?
The release date of the Cadaver movie is 12th August 2022.
Where we can watch the Cadaver movie?
You can watch the Cadaver movie on Hotstar.