ALONE Movie: ALONE is an upcoming Indian Malayalam-language thriller film movie. The movie features Prithviraj Sukumaran, Manju Warrier, Siddique, Nandhu, Mallika Sukumaran, and Renji Panicker in the lead roles. It is directed by Shaji Kailas and the story of the movie is written by Rajesh Jayaraman, and bankrolled by Antony Perumbavoor through Aashirvad Cinemas.
The movie will be released in theaters on 26th January 2023. The OTT release date of the movie is not confirmed Yet.
ALONE Movie Cast
- Prithviraj Sukumaran
- Manju Warrier
- Siddique
- Nandhu
- Mallika Sukumaran
- Renji Panicker
ALONE Movie Trailer
ALONE Movie Details
Title | ALONE |
Lanuage | Malayalam |
Genre | Thriller |
OTT | Not Confirmed |
OTT Release Date | Not Confirmed |
Theater Release Date | 26 January 2023 |
Directed by | Shaji Kailas |
Produced by | Antony Perumbavoor |
Cast | Prithviraj Sukumaran Manju Warrier Siddique Nandhu |
Who is the director of the Alone Movie ?
Shaji Kailas
What is the release date of the Alone Movie ?
26 January 2023
What are the cast of the Alone Movie ?
Prithviraj Sukumaran
Manju Warrier